Whether you are a parent, educator, or striving for personal growth and building inclusive communities, having a toolbox of knowledge and practical strategies is a valuable resource you can carry with you for life

New to Neurodiversity Glossary
This glossary will help you learn more about the language commonly used within neurodivergent communities.

Window of Tolerance
Everyone has a unique window of tolerance. Read about wide and narrow windows of tolerance and some key symptoms in distinguishing these.

Learning Tools
Everyone learns differently. What should the expectations be around fidget or learning tools in the classroom?

ADHD Adjustments & Accommodations
From adjustments and accommodations, individual support strategies and movement and sensory regulation tools, learn how to best support students with ADHD.

Polyvagal Theory
When the nervous system detects a threat it actively seeks to keep you safe, moving you into the commonly known – fight, flight, freeze states. Learn more about the vagus nerve responsible for its activation.

Modelling For Language Development
How to model language for children and when to use it. Read about how to better model language for your child’s development.

ADHD Adjustments & Accommodations

Polyvagal Theory

Modelling for Language Development
OKAY Online
If group therapy doesn’t work for you, our online learning portal holds a range of educational resources, interactive webinars, and pre-recorded modules, that are self-paced for busy lives.
These modules have been designed to empower you with knowledge and practical skills to navigate various aspects of life, from parenting to personal growth and professional development.

Join the waitlist
No formal referral required, simply complete the information in the link below.
At OKAY Therapy, our one-to-one services include occupational therapy, speech therapy, play therapy, and social work, with access to therapy assistants. Additionally, we provide interest-based group therapy, online learning, parent support networks, and community partnerships.
If you’ve discussed a plan with your GP or specialist and know which service you require, please include this information in your referral. We highly recommend an intake assessment if unsure about the most suitable service.
While our waitlist times can vary, our team constantly monitors availability and offers appointments as they become available. Please complete a referral and we will advise service availability tailored to your unique needs.
Contact Us
Need help? Fill out the details below and we’ll get back to you.

ADHD Adjustments & Accommodations

Polyvagal Theory